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Do You Have An Entrepreneurial Mindset?
One of the critical factors of success in business and as an entrepreneur is mindset. Creating a business requires that you can imagine yourself creating a business, that you see yourself as a business owner, that you understand and can tackle the challenges of...
How to define the exit strategy for your startup
Most entrepreneurs struggle with defining their exit strategy and presenting a clear one in their pitch. The reason seems to sit in the difference between how entrepreneurs and investors view a business. The exit strategy is your plan for creating such a great...
Compassionate Capitalist & Angel Investor, Sandy Wollman shares insights
Sandy Wollman joins Karen Rands to share his experience in growing the Westchester business community by cultivating entrepreneurs and encouraging more investors to get involved and syndicate their investment. Karen & Sandy will also talk...
11 Things Angel Investors Always Look For In A Pitch
You’ve been working so fast and furiously on your idea that you’ve started to forget what day of the week it is. Your family and friends can barely recognize you. Your bank account balance is showing more red than you care to admit. And yet you’re exhilarated because...
How to Approach Investors for Seed Funding in 8 Steps
You have an excellent business idea. From your evaluation and projections, this could be the thing that takes you to the next level. But there’s one problem. You don’t have the capital to get the business up and running. Welcome to entrepreneurship. One of the reasons...
Investor Tool for Screening Angel Investments
The biggest challenge of deal flow isn't finding companies to invest in. It is finding good companies to invest in. Just to make the whole process more fun, are no absolutes in angel investing, and it is impossible to define upfront exactly which companies will do...
Sandy Wollman, Co-Founder and Managing Director of the Westchester Angels
In Episode 10, we sit down with the vibrant Sandy Wollman co-founder of Westchester Angels, a member-based angel investment group dedicated to funding innovative new startup companies in and around Westchester that are “disrupting,” or shaking up, current markets....
How to Negotiate a Term Sheet: 7 Expert Tips
A term sheet is a non-binding business agreement between a startup company and a potential investor. It is all a part of the dating process: the term sheet is an agreement to agree. It is a bit like engagement is an agreement to eventually marry. Here we discuss how...
Michael Wieser Rubbing Elbows with Sir Richard Branson
What a thrill. Unbelievably, a few weeks ago at a Toastmasters event I gave a speech on the one person, dead or alive, I would most like to meet. Without hesitation, my speech told of my admiration of who I think is the world's greatest entrepreneur; Sir Richard...
3 Quick Ways To Turn Off Angel Investors
Much advice is given hopeful entrepreneurs about how to pitch angel investors, but the truth is that what not to do can be as important as what you should do. I interviewed Sandy Wollman, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Westchester Angels. He is also the star...