Members In The News
Digging In With Matt Rosenthal
Jeffrey Zink Guest

Matus Knoblich
CEO Glo-Med Networks

Passage to Profit
Sandy Wollman Guest

Digging In With Matt Rosenthal
Sandy Wollman Guest
Listening to Sandy is inspiring, as he tells me how he prepared for and completed 3 Ironman Triathlons, The Swim Around Manhattan, and SWIMMING THE ENGLISH CHANNEL!
Sandy is a New Yorker in every sense of the word, born and raised in the Empire State, he learned about entrepreneurship from his father at an early age, by doing door to door SELLING AT THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING as a teenager while working for his father.
In this episode you’ll hear how Sandy leveraged his 25 years of business experience as a partner at a large textile converting company, in New York City’s garment center. Sandy also served as a Product Development Engineer at 3M, where he was AWARDED A PATENT .
We dig into his story while discussing his non-profit work, particularly Westchester Angels, a member-based angel investment group that funds innovative start-ups in Westchester, NY.